Saturday, July 12, 2008

What's Happening in 2008

A person can't get away from the day to day headlines, commercials, conversations etc. about what's going to happen in the election this year. That being said, I though, why not blog about it too? I received an e-mail asking me to join in on the Obama campaign recently. This website is quite informational. The issues are capsulized in his "Blueprint for Change"--Change We Can Believe In.

Over the early part of the summer, I took a government class and an economics class through Delta. I couldn't have taken those classes in a better year. The relevancy of taking government and economics in an election year is obvious. But, even more so, the instructors were really good and demanding which, although really challenging at times, pushed me to learn a lot more with a lot more depth of understanding. My government teacher was very careful not to become preachy about either of the candidates, but I was pretty sure I knew which side she would vote on in the election. I am fairly certain we share a liking and belief in Barack.

One of the things we talked about in discussions is the lack of participation in voting on the part of young people. Maybe they get discouraged with the way the world is today, or maybe young people are disillusioned and cynical about government and the leaders today, but still, we do need to believe that our votes and our opinions count. I personally will be trying to make sure to have my friends register to vote - in fact if you haven't yet, click on the Vote 2008 and follow the information so you can get set up to vote! VOTE 2008

I may have to check out McCain's website one of these days too.

Peace and positive change for the future!

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