Thursday, July 31, 2008

The movie: "August Rush"

As I say to anyone that has not seen this wonderful movie:

"If you even have the slightest passion for music, I think you'll love this movie!"

Now granted, this movie does get a little slow at parts and does seem a little dry (especially with the humor). Alas, this flik delivers a message that is one of the most powerful that I have ever seen coming from any other movie.

A message of hope, love, and most importantly, the power of music.

I do also believe, just as the little boy believes (whom of which is one of the main characters), Evan Taylor (or 'August Rush') , that music unites us, brings everyone together, and allows us to free ourselves of worry and doubt. In turn, filling our souls with love, joy, peace and happiness.

It's a powerful message with some powerful music along with it (in the movie), and this is why I simply fell in love with this film.

August Rush, directed by Kirsten Sheridan and written by Paul Castro, Nick Castle, James V. Hart, and produced by Richard Barton Lewis. -

Released in November of 2007, I ventured to the theaters the next month to see a movie that I was not expecting, to be so good. I'm not going to lie to you, I actually cried at the end. Now, I am quite the masculine man and believes in poker, beer and cigars on a Friday night. Alas, the message and the emotion gathered up in to a ball and released right at the end of the movie - was too much to handle. So I broke down in wonder and love for this movie that I had bestowed myself upon.

Therefore, I am promoting and inviting everyone who is out there to go out and rent, heck, even buy this movie. Again, if you have even the slightest passion for music, you will find love in this movie and I hope that you understand and capture the true meaning and essence of this film.

One thing that I found especially amazing, was a quote by the incredible actor, Robin Williams. In this movie, he played a man named, Maxwell Wallace with the alias, "Wizard". In the movie, he says, "You know what music is? God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe; harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars." -

This quote my friends, is awesome - because simply, it's very true. Harmonious connection between all living things on this Earth. Even between the stars in the sky to the people down below. Every one, every where!!

Beautiful, just beautiful.

(If you would like to get general information or specific information about this movie, go to the links provided. Also, if you would like to visit the official, "August Rush" website, click the link provided!)

Till' next time!

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