Saturday, July 26, 2008

Brett Trafford Photography

Hey now, lookie' here!
Right as I'm on the topic of photography - I find a forty-one year young photographer!

This is cool because this is the first time that I've blogged about someone else or even made a reference towards someone else's blog - plus, this man is in to the same stuff that I am in to right now (aka: photography!)!

His name is Brett Trafford, and I find his work to be very creative, intriguing and just really good!

I like photography, he likes photography - we seem to have the same personality traits (patience, seeing the beauty in simple or small things (elements in life that others wouldn't usually notice), both have an interest in the media/photography - we also both enjoy taking photos of similar things (nature, animals, simple stuff!)!

For example:
- Brett Trafford Photography

A flippin' sweet looking bird - well done on the lighting and amazing focus on the detail of the face!! Love it!

Something that caught my eye in a recent post (by Brett) made me really think - & the interesting thing is, it reminded me of myself (my personality) and the kinds of things I enjoy capturing on camera!!
First, here's the photo:
- Brett Trafford Photography

The title of this photo is, "This Way". The amazing this really is, the message he had, before presenting the picture. He says, "Today’s photo, just an old sign post, most people would rush past looking for the path, but if you stop and look around for a moment there’s beauty everywhere."

Wow. Okay, wow! This is not only a great photo, but the message, the message is so deep and makes so much sense. I really think this is America today. I could go on longer and deeper about this, but. So many people in today's society are just rushing, all the time to get from point A to point B - non-stop, all day! They never take the time to just stop, take a moment and, "look around for a moment - there's beauty everywhere". Exactly!
I believe in this whole-heartedly - there IS beauty everywhere you look, in everything - with a bit of optimism and positive vibes, I think everyone can acheive this outlook. It's truely a blessing to just stop, and not only smell the roses, but to notice the beauty in everything.

After all, this is God's green earth, he created everything we see (basically)! The not-so-natural things that he didn't create, well technically he did - because he created every human being on this Earth (technically speaking) and these humans have created these, 'not-so-natural' things. Like buildings or plastic or garbage cans - God didn't make those - but he made the humans that made them - sooo it's like a desendant of God's creation, a second party if you will!!

;) I hope you guys enjoy that theory/perspective - mind you, this is only what I think - I'd like to believe it sounds somewhat coherent, but ya know, it's all good - makes sense to me!

Anyway, back to the photo, it is truely beautiful. It represents beauty in simple things within our life! Also, his perspective (the quote I used) reminds me of myself and my personality - *chuckles* that quote is like something that I would say - I guess because I beleive in that statment and perspective 110%!!

Well, through looking around his blog, I've learned a lot about who he is, about photography and actually, a bit about who I am! I can vouch to say, that this was definitely an enjoyable experience!! :D

If you are interested in finding out more about Brett Trafford Photography - click on this link!!!

Till' next time,

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