Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I ran into an interesting little piece about knols. I think we will be hearing a lot about this in the coming weeks and months.

A newer form of researching, the knol will help people who are looking for specific information find an authoritative article about a specific topic. We can attribute the knol to none other than

who launched the knol very recently.

By the way, Knol, short for "knowledge," is essentially a cross between Wikipedia and

Knol's distinctions from Wikipedia are that authors are identified by their real names (and verified), and that they can share in ad revenue if they choose to. The service initially features a lot of medical articles, which is interesting considering that Medipedia also launched today. This medical wiki is backed by Harvard's and Stanford's medical schools.

Here's how it works as explained on the website of

"An enormous amount of information resides in people's heads," wrote the company in its official blog. "Knol will encourage these people to contribute their knowledge online and make it accessible to everyone."

Each entry will have an identified author (or group of authors). The site also introduces a collaborative feature that will allow readers to make suggested edits, which the original author may then choose to accept, reject or modify.

People also can submit comments, rate or write a review of a knol. Authors also can choose to run ads through Google's AdSense program, sharing the proceeds with t
he company.

Sounds like a cool new addition to the Internet.

Check out a sample:

Knowledge is power!

Go Google.

Bye for now.

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