Thursday, July 31, 2008

Digital Media & Me!

This is it my friends!

My last unofficial post in to the world of the 'blogosphere' (I'm sure I'll continue to blog here and there after this date)!!

(Random, but I like the way this device looks!)

Over this Spring/Summer semester with this Independent Study class (while attending Delta College), I've really come to learn the intriguing realm of blogging. Where, Why, What, When and How to blog!
It's been pretty darn sweet, to be honest!!

Through this 'blog'ging' experience, I've had the topic of: "Music Editing & Exploration: In, Out and Around Film"!

I really hope that I've been entertaining to everyone out there that has had the glorious and most wonderful chance to bestow themselves upon my blog!
I also really hope that I've fulfilled the requirements for this Independent Study class and that I did a nice job of sticking to the general topic of the 'main topic' that I started with. I hope that I was able to fulfill myself in keeping true to my original topic and branching off of that.
That I was able to use my topic to branch out and broaden the horizon of that 'broad' topic that I choose (with interesting topics and intriguing information).
In turn, through my posts, show everyone that had the chance to read my words - what music, editing, photography and film meant to me - & what I think those things mean to the world. What I think those things mean to the future - & the future of 'Digital Media'!!

Media as in music, film, film editing, photography, etc. - & since it's the 21st century - everything is going digital: 'Digital Media' (this is more of my own opinion)!

I've truly had fun with this class, and I really think it has not only helped me to learn some things about myself as a writer & a blogger, but this class has also taught me many things about myself in general. Who I am, Who I was, and more importantly, Who I am going to be!
The future is important to me, just like (I'm sure) it is for most people!!
Through the blogs that I have written, I've learned where I am at with my future, and specifically, where I need to go - to achieve my goals and dreams!!

Before I go, I would like to leave you all with a great quote that I believe in, entirely: "All the great things are simple." - Winston Churchhill

Good times and great oldies as I always say. :)
Keep it real, keep it classy and keep it goin'!

Take er' easy and have a good one!
Later & Peace out!!

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