Friday, June 13, 2008

The Future - Dreams (goals)!

Ah yes, the future!!

Such an optimistic topic to dwell (or should I say look forward too) on! Especially for aspiring community college students (*wink*wink*), what a subject to think and meditate about.

So many options, so many choices, so many opportunities to explore, experience, and endure?!

For some, the future looks bright - full of great options and opportunities for a future in a career that you are actually interested in.

For others, the future is not a reality yet. Full of cloudy doubt and blank confusion. There are, in fact opportunities, alas, none look bright or optimistic.

You may ask yourself, a career? Work at job that I can love, mostly all the time, and be interested to explore and continue to pursue that line of work, all the time?

This may be a difficult one to ponder, well - not so much for me (*smiles brightly*)!!

Now, this is where my dreams come in!

As I had mentioned in my last post, I want to become a music video producer and or director! Which, hopefully would include, editing the video (as part of the producer's tasks!)!

Another dream of mine, I think this is a larger one, is to become a, "music editor"!
Where I actually put the music or soundtrack in to a film or major motion picture.
It would be my job, I would be the man, picking the music (mine or someone else's), and deciding at certain points in the film, to add them to the mix or piece. Creating my own music live, or just for the movie itself is even another dream!

So not only am I in to film and film-making, but also audio engineering and (a field or a Degree Program that I would love to major and get a degree in) Recording Arts!! A University in Florida named, "Full Sail" specializes in these fields of interest. Everything from Computer Animation and Game Development, to Film and Graphic Design, to Digital Arts & Design to the Entertainment Business (to other fields and degrees that interest me more, like), Recording Arts (which in Recording Arts, is the career path of a 'Music Editor'!) and the Music Business! As you can see, many choices to choose from! Many options in the field of media and digital media (Electronic Media).

As I explained in my last post, I am still attending Delta right now, and am getting my degree in Electronic Media Broadcasting (and actually planning on transferring to either CMU or Ferris). Once I arrive at a University (if I choose to do so), I will then strive to earn a bachelor's in either Broadcasting or Electronic Media Broadcasting. Through this curriculum and the courses inside it (at Delta College), I have and was able to gain even more knowledge and experience in the electronic/television film field/industry. I love hands on work, and these experiences gave me that! These courses at Delta have broadened my horizon about TV and film-making and have helped me focus in on what I really want to do as a future career.

I am definitely still looking in to whether I will actually attend this Full Sail University in Florida (it is VERY pricey, therefore, not only do they want your commitment and motivation to work for your degree, you have to HAVE that commitment and motivation in order to EARN your degree (whether it be an Associates, Bachelor's or Master's!)).

There is also a possibility of returning back to Orlando, Florida to continue an internship with Disney! This would most likely be after I receive my degree from Delta!! I will get in to more detail about my experiences with Disney in the next post.

So, many options, many paths to (possibly) take, many opportunities to pursue!

I am optimistic.
The future excites me (considering I also have a beautiful and lovely girlfriend)! :D
I am following my dreams, and hopefully, reaching and achieving my goals!!

Word! :)

Take care and have a good one.

Buh-bye for now!


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