Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Final Cut Studio


Now, on to video editing!!

Film is a great entity. One of my favorite types of media (television, movies, YouTube, Blu-Ray Disc, making/producing my own films/videos - subjects surrounding film). I simply, love it!!!

In a book entitled, "Understanding the Film - An Introduction to Film Appreciation", I found an interesting description of 'film'. The author(s) state that film is more than just moving pictures on the screen of your local cinema. It is, communication.

As discussed in my last post, I talked a little about film and video editing. In that topic, I did happen to mention the movie/video editing program (found 'proudly' on a Mac/Apple computer), entitled, "Final Cut Studio" (additional general info. here)!!

This program is what I will be discussing throughout this blog post!
Let me tell you, I am definitely glad I discovered this wonderfully crafty and user friendly video editing software (I am also glad that I get to talk about it with you guys, through this blog!)!

(the latest version of Final Cut)

Let me start from the beginning...

When I was about eleven years old, my mother bought the family our first "hand-held - Sony - CamCorder". At first, I was a little apprehensive about what exactly this electronic device did. Keep in mind though, that I had always been fascinated with electronic things (this includes, Electronic Music!)

I picked that device up, and went at it! Just played with all its features and buttons and did not stop recording just random things. This process of recording random things (with my friends included), for the purpose of humor, continued to about the 11th grade. My friends and I, in our spare time (which now seems like a lot of time, lol) would just record ourselves doing random things or recording other 'random'ness' outside our houses... A lot of fun random humor!!

It was that same year at Dow High School in Midland that I picked up the class, Video Communications. This sounded interesting and it really was. I got to experience and even direct live television on Midland's local channel network, "MCTV Station". Plus make my own independent pieces of film work such as:
  1. A music video (which by the way, it is one of my "dream's" to become a producer/director of music videos)!
  2. News feature
  3. How-to Demonstration video
  4. A commercial
  5. Even a re-creation of an episode of some sitcom or show (my team made a re-creation of a skit from, "Saved By the Bell" - guess who I was... That's right, Screech!)!
Anyway, enough about that side note! After this class, I experienced many Electronic Media Broadcasting classes through Delta College. I am still attending Delta right now, and am getting my degree in Electronic Media Broadcasting (and actually planning on transferring to either CMU or Ferris). Through this curriculum and the courses inside it, I have and was able to gain even more knowledge and experience in the electronic/television film field/industry. I love hands on work, and these experiences gave me that! These courses at Delta have broadened my horizon about TV and film-making and helped me focus in on what I really want to do as a future career.

Alas, this is how I got interested in the field of film. Thus, gracefully leading me to the 'powerhouse' video-production software.

I will follow up with more information about this wonderful piece of software in a later post. To generally speak about the aspects/elements/features of this program. Simple and other effects found are things, such as:
  • General cutting, fading of volume and the fade effect of video
  • Overlaying
  • Adding more than four different clips of video on top of each other
  • Special effects that deliver many options for the user. Like - fades, titling, mapping, color distortion or altering
  • Adding mp3 and other music file types in to the mix - to compile a music video that is simply, perfection
  • Etc.
These, including much much more - are what make this program, choice!!

I highly recommend that you purchase (I do not condone downloading) this program or software. If you are serious about film-making or just enjoy making home movies - you will be able to produce top-of-the-line pieces of work that will look, basically professional. Keep in mind though, that practice makes perfect and gaining experience with the program will allow the user to produce his/her best work!

For sure! Keep in mind, producers and film-makers of the, "Lord of the Rings" movies edited their movies/films with Final Cut Studio!! These people aren't the only ones who have used this software, in Hollywood (professionally) to edit and produce films!!!

Cool stuff!

Till' next time, Peace!!


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