Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cubase Studio 4 vs. Fruity Loops Studio 7

Which one is better?

Which is the choice that would better fit my music-editing needs and style of music production?

They both sound appetizing, but I think I might know which one is the better choice!

First, let's start with Fruity Loops Studio 7:

Let's go back to one of my previous posts back in the day about FL 7. I said, "This program allows him and other users to alter beats, instruments, synths and other various noises and sounds. The feature that I love the most about this program has to be the fact that you can import VST (which stands for Virtual Studio Technology). VST (according to is an interface for integrating software audio synthesizer and effect plugins with audio editors and hard-disk recording systems. VST and similar technologies use Digital Signal Processing to simulate traditional recording studio hardware with software. Thousands of plugins exist and VST is supported by a large number of audio applications. The technology can be licensed from its creator, Steinberg."

*So it is interesting to note that Fruity Loops and Cubase Studio are both made by the people from Steinberg*

I also mentioned about Fruity,
"The thing I love about this feature is the synths that you can purchase (or download) and freely import in to the program to use at your free will. You can use the features, buttons and knobs within FL to alter and mess with the sounds of the synths to your liking! Another feature I'm sure all avid "Fruity" users would agree on (loving to use), is EQ'ing! This is used usually when you have completed a song and now you want to master the sound. Mastering means to make it sound... All pretty, basically! The EQ feature allows you to tweak the bass, middle and treble, as well as the various highs and lows of the songs (whether it be the pitches of the sounds, or the notes played out in the song)."

For the latest news, information and features concerning Fruity Loops Studio 7 (and the up and coming version: Fruity Loops Studio 8), go here!

*Sneak peak at the (FL 8) box:

*For an overview and price range of the FL products, go here!

Ya know, I'm just going to say it: FL is the way to go! I've done research and more research, and even more research on this program/piece of software - & Fruity is the way to go! When it comes to music-editing and music production - forget Cubase Studio!!
-Cubase Studio 4 is cool, it's hip and quite snazzy, I do admit. But I've made up my mind!

I simply cannot wait for Fruity Loops Studio 8 to debut and come out, I will definitely be dabbling in that software craziness!!


For other/additional information on Cubase Studio 4, Cubase Studio and other products and features by Steinberg, go here!

Sounds good!

Take it easy,
& Peace!

Steinberg: Cubase Studio 4

Music time!

I love music for sure, as you all may know! & with my PC, I own a music-editing program called, "Steinberg - Cubase Studio 4".

This program is quite the powerhouse, quite the program for any style of music (produced electronically, obviously), usually electronic - to produce in your own bedroom! I've owned it for a while, but have yet to fully understand all the concepts inside this software.

Here's a little sneak peak at the main audio-mixing/music editing interface: Studio 4)

Now I don't fully understand the whole program (with all the features, effects, VST's, recording and editing) yet, but I have been doing a lot of dabbling. Within this dabbling, I've been able to realize and discover many interesting things/features about the program. Which has allowed me to become more involved in music production/music-making! Also, learning and gaining knowledge about this program has allowed me to explore music in ways I would've never imagined.

I did not know till I started playing around on this program, that you can warp, cut, reverse - mix, pitch up, pitch down, pitch all around! Cubase Studio 4 for example has a few features that stand out:
  • First of all, Cubase Studio 4 is, "Boasting a range of new capabilities in its price range such as SoundFrame™, full notation features and brand new VST3 instruments and effects, Cubase Studio 4 offers unprecedented functionality in its price class."
To give you an idea of the many aspects/features Cubase Studio offers, here is a quick list from
  • Audio + MIDI Recording/Editing/Mixing
  • New VST3 virtual instruments and effects
  • SoundFrame™ - unique new Sound Management System
  • Fantastic-sounding 32-bit Audio Engine
  • Full scoring features
  • Streamlined feature set tailored for project studios, musicians and composers
  • Outstanding value for money, extraordinary price/performance ratio
  • Cross platform: Windows and Mac OS X Universal Binary (compatible with PPC- and Intel-based Macintosh computers)
- Also, if you're wondering/interested, "Cubase Studio 4.1 additionally offers significant features such as Sidechaining for VST3 Plug-ins, free routing, a Global Transpose Track, Music XML support and much more."

I'm really glad that I gave myself the opportunity to introduce the wonders of music making! And, this is only the beginning - a lot more music production adventures are on their way!!

I was able to brush up on the Steinberg - Cubase 4 & Cubase Studio 4! Also, even more intriguing was the real sweet music editing software by Steinberg, "Cubase Essential 4"!

Word. I will get more in to detail about the, "Cubase Essential 4" by Steinberg in a later post!

For additional information for anything "Steinberg", go here!

For anything "Cubase Studio 4", go here!

& if you are interested in gathering knowledge about the "Cubase Essential 4", go here!

Note: If you would like to search for any product sold by Steinberg, just click the "select product" tab on the left-hand side of the screen!!

Till' next time, take er' easy and have a good one! :)


Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 vs. Final Cut Studio

Now, let's get in to these two pieces of work a little deeper...

I've always been intrigued by the Final Cut software (mostly because I'm a Mac user and video editing has always intrigued me).

Also, through the greatness of learning the basics of Final Cut (and also advanced editing features) with classes at Delta College, I found this program to be extremely interesting, user friendly and perfect for the style/purpose of my video projects.

The experiences I had, creating and producing video projects in my Media classes at Delta - I traveled in avenues and paths I had never imagined in my life - yet I was so glad that I came across them and traveled through them. With Final Cut, I was able to use cuts, fades, effects and sound cues that were easy to use and fit perfectly for my video projects. Using this program allowed me successfully complete ideas, styles and concepts that began in my mind and were beautifully painted on to the canvas of Final Cut, to finish on my final product of the video piece that I had created. My style of editing is sort of abstract and artsy, and Final Cut easily gave me the opportunity to express this style freely. Now, depending on if I was creating a commercial, demonstration video or music video - the purpose of my piece varied. Alas, Final Cut allowed me to use it's various features to accommodate (to my style) to what kind of piece or project I was trying to complete.

I had could go on all day about Final Cut Studio. But, the point of this post, is to not only explore (more in depth) Final Cut Studio, but also to explore and learn (more) about the 'other' video-editing software named, Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 (the latest version).

Let's start with Adobe Premiere! First of all, let's go over some stats about this program:

--What can this program do?--
  • Import video, audio and graphics in a wide variety of formats.
  • Edit, manipulate and arrange these elements in a visual time-line.
  • Add effects, filters, titles, etc.
  • Export your edited video in a variety of formats, including video tape recordings, DV, DVD, and common Internet video formats.
Good. Sounds pretty snazzy to me!

For additional information and features about Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, go to: This place!

Final Cut Studio:

First, the history:
Second, the components:

Final Cut Studio contains six main applications and several smaller applications used in editing video. The major applications it includes are:

Additional applications included are:

Thirdly and last, but not least, general features of Final Cut Studio:
  • Editing (obviously!)
  • Compositing and Keyframing
  • Working 3-Dimensional
  • More technical aspects such as: Secondaries, Dialogue, ADR and Spotting
  • Encoding for the Web (allowing your pieces/videos to be viewed via the Internet)
  • Importing and Exporting
  • Color Correction
  • Filters
  • Etc.
As you can see, I went in to further detail about the Final Cut Studio package.
This is not just because, well, I love the program so much (I definitely enjoy using this software and it is very easy to learn and is user-friendly) - but also because Final Cut Studio just offers more for the user. Better and more efficient features. Plus, the Final Cut package allows you to access a large array of different programs inside of the entire piece of software to expand your project(s), and build, improve and better your video projects in general.

In the end, the images/frames, effects, sound, graphics and overall outcome will be a better product. Better (in my opinion) in the end, than if you were to edit with Adobe Premiere Pro CS3. One of the main reasons I prefer to and will continue to use Final Cut Studio is (not just because of the amazing reviews I've heard from users) this: The Final Cut Studio package just offers a larger variety of features for all aspects of video editing, and allows the user to expand his or her project to the fullest extent of that users needs. More programs to work on individual things such as the image, effects, sound (score), graphics, etc. Just more in general!

I gave you some good facts, some great links but mostly just my opinion (which is mostly based on my experiences).

For additional information and features about Final Cut Studio, go to: This place!

Hope that the links I provided really helped you out in learning about the various different things that I addressed in this post!!

Till' next time, have a good one! :)


Dan T.

Adobe Premiere Pro CS3

Okay, so I'm not the biggest fan of Microsoft, nor do I like the viruses that tend to tag along with those PCs. Alas, I do own my own desktop PC, which does happen to be a Microsoft!

So, I'm not completely impartial to the whole Microsoft thing! hehe.

As you may know, I am definitely in to the video editing and film field. I love creating and inventing new pieces of video production. On my PC, I haven't gotten it yet, but!...

I want to purchase, "Adobe Premiere Pro CS3".

Now, I have Final Cut Pro for my Mac. I've fallen in love with that. I think it is time though, to venture on. Try new things, experiment!!

So, I will try this Premiere Pro CS3, give it a swing (and if I strike out, well, I definitely have something swell to fall back on). -- I heard it's quite similar in style/format to Final Cut Studio.

Anyways, through doing some research, I found out the following,
"Adobe Premiere is a video editing software package suitable for both amateur enthusiasts and professionals. It can be purchased and used alone, or alongside other applications such as Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, etc."

Also, from
"Adobe Premiere Pro, is a real-time, timeline based video editing software application. It is part of the Adobe Creative Suite, a suite of graphic design, video editing, and web development applications made by Adobe Systems, though it can also be purchased separately. Even when purchased separately, it comes bundled with Adobe Encore and Adobe OnLocation. Premiere Pro supports many video editing cards and plug-ins for accelerated processing, additional file format support, and video/audio effects."

Right now, You can purchase this piece of software from $799!

Feel free to browse the sites/links that I have provided for you.

I have taken a closer look at this application or software and it is quite interesting.

Seems to me like there are a few more effects and interesting features on this app. that differ from Final Cut Studio. I'd like to get in to film editing and video production as a career possibility, so this program looks like it might be the winner (for my own personal and Professional use)!

Hmm, I'll look more in depth on this application/software program and really see if this Adobe Premiere Pro is better than the almighty Final Cut Studio!!

Till' next time, Peace!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

As I always say...


Music guides you, glides you across. Music brings you to. Music allows you to breath. Air of reassurance. Hope, Trust, and most importantly, love.

Music = love.
Love = beauty.
Beauty = life.
Life = music.

Period. :)

Word. Till' next time, I love musica!!!

Much love, and peace!

Dan T.

Disney! - 'Professional Internship' - "Communications" (continued!)

Okay! I swear this post is more relevant to the topic at hand!

Other than the 'CareerStart' program (for high school grads), and the College Program (for College students), Disney also offers the Professional Internship, program!

This, concerning my future, is something that I might get in to.

I would most likely move down there in Orlando, or Lake Buena Vista and live with room mates, and do work and live on my own basically.

Except the difference between this and my last experience with Disney, is the fact that this work will be more focused on a (possible) future career with Disney or just more experience in the field that I am interested in pursuing as a future job or career. Communications!

Now, I still have yet to do more research about this field from Disney, but it sounds very close to what I'm in to (like film, music, audio production, camera operating, etc.). I'm thinking that I'll have the chance to dabble and work with some more high-tech equiptment that Disney has to offer. Possibly be behind the audio, mixing board at the Cirque Di Sole (spelling?!) shows. Possibly be a film editor for Disney commercials. Possibly be a camera operator for one of the many Disney shows or sitcoms (like Hannah Montana!)! That would be sweet!

So! Many possibilities!!
So! We'll see what happens, again, as I've said, I'm excited for the future!

Good times, I will definitely be looking in to this as a possibility!

Till' next time, see ya! :)


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Disney! - 'Magical Moments' (continued!)


Magical moments are extremely special, and yes, 'magical' moments when you are a Disney employee. This can be anything from giving a guest a stuffed animal for free or maybe even a ice cream cone (with ice cream in it)! Even possibly if a guest spills ice cream on their shirt, an employee or "cast member" will be more than happy to give you a free shirt!

As a custodian or "show keeper" at the MGM Studios (now called Hollywood Studios), my magical moments were slightly different (and I think, the best moments you can give). One of them was with pans and brooms. We would take park maps and crumble them up in to balls. Then we would set the pans (like 5 or 6 of them) open facing the kids, at different distances (the farthest being the most points). The kids used the brooms as hockey sticks sort of, and hit the balls in to the pans to gather points! Another game was with 'pickers' (one side is a trigger and the other is a claw) and a basket of (fake) fruit! The game would be where we line up all the fruit in like 2 or 3 lines and have the kids (with the pickers) run, like a relay race, back and forth, putting the fruit in the basket, one by one. First person to finish wins! Another simple one was with smaller children, where we just give them the 'picker' and dumped the basket of fruit on the ground and then, the child picks up all the fruit and puts it in to the basket (sometimes, different fruits were worth more or less points for a grand total of magical moment bliss!). So yes! All of these amazingly sweet and fun games were the Magical Moments that I participated in! Cool right, I know! Magical moments rock my socks, and this aspect of my College Program experience was definitely a highlight of the experience. I can't wait to go back to a Disney park and experience a magical moment, especially from the custodial/show-keeping staff!!

I know this has nothing to do with "music editing" or "film". But it was and is an exciting thing to reminisce and talk about. Good times, for sure!

I'm not going to lie, I told a little white lie! Hehe *chuckles*. Now, I do promise you that I will continue in detail (in my next post) about what exactly is in this 'communications' field in the Walt Disney World corporation (all the options, elements, examples, etc.), as far as a Professional Internship goes!!

Take er' easy and have a good one! :)


Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Magical, Wonderful World of: Disney?! Yes!

So I bet you're asking yourself, Disney? Isn't this a little off topic? What does Disney World have to do with film, broadcasting, or general electronic media?!

Well, do I have an answer for you!

*chuckles like Goofy* Well, I can tell you, I am not the most educated or knowledgeable person when it comes to Disney information (like everything that surrounds and involves all the magical elements of Disney). But! I did get the wonderful opportunity, to work there last Fall!

Yes, that's right! Through Delta College, I signed up for a four-month internship with Walt Disney World last Fall of '07. I applied, had a phone interview, and got accepted! I was chosen to be a, "show keeper", which is the same as to say, a custodian!

At first, I was slightly apprehensive about their decision (because I wasn't exactly sure how promising and 'fun' this certain job would entail). Boy was I surprised and amazed by the amount of fun and great people skills I would experience and gain!!

I worked at the formally known, "Disney's MGM Studios" (now known as "Disney's Hollywood Studios". I walked around the park, picked up spills, trash, did trash runs, cleaned bathrooms and basically, made people happy. Genuinely good times! Talked to people from around the world, and one of my favorite things to do: *Magical Moments!

*Will go in to further detail later, about what exactly these "Magical Moments" are all about!

Anyway, the point of this post is to explain the fact that not only is this a great opportunity for college students (and high school graduates), but also for people looking to get involved with the Disney corporation professionally. This is why, Disney has also created, Professional Internships.

Since I have already experienced and completed the "College Program", I am seriously thinking of moving back down to Florida and experiencing a "Professional Internship".

Professional Internships go more in depth with individuals participating. They focus in on actual careers and professional jobs that relate and interest people that want to go in to certain areas.

This is why I am considering doing this internship, because they have a professional internship option of, *"Communications"!!

*I will continue in detail (in my next post) about what exactly is in this 'communications' field in the Walt Disney World corporation (all the options, elements, examples, etc.)!!

This is a bright opportunity for my future, and I just might take this option!

So, we'll see!
(can't wait to talk more about it!)!

Till' next time, see ya!!! :)


Friday, June 13, 2008

The Future - Dreams (goals)!

Ah yes, the future!!

Such an optimistic topic to dwell (or should I say look forward too) on! Especially for aspiring community college students (*wink*wink*), what a subject to think and meditate about.

So many options, so many choices, so many opportunities to explore, experience, and endure?!

For some, the future looks bright - full of great options and opportunities for a future in a career that you are actually interested in.

For others, the future is not a reality yet. Full of cloudy doubt and blank confusion. There are, in fact opportunities, alas, none look bright or optimistic.

You may ask yourself, a career? Work at job that I can love, mostly all the time, and be interested to explore and continue to pursue that line of work, all the time?

This may be a difficult one to ponder, well - not so much for me (*smiles brightly*)!!

Now, this is where my dreams come in!

As I had mentioned in my last post, I want to become a music video producer and or director! Which, hopefully would include, editing the video (as part of the producer's tasks!)!

Another dream of mine, I think this is a larger one, is to become a, "music editor"!
Where I actually put the music or soundtrack in to a film or major motion picture.
It would be my job, I would be the man, picking the music (mine or someone else's), and deciding at certain points in the film, to add them to the mix or piece. Creating my own music live, or just for the movie itself is even another dream!

So not only am I in to film and film-making, but also audio engineering and (a field or a Degree Program that I would love to major and get a degree in) Recording Arts!! A University in Florida named, "Full Sail" specializes in these fields of interest. Everything from Computer Animation and Game Development, to Film and Graphic Design, to Digital Arts & Design to the Entertainment Business (to other fields and degrees that interest me more, like), Recording Arts (which in Recording Arts, is the career path of a 'Music Editor'!) and the Music Business! As you can see, many choices to choose from! Many options in the field of media and digital media (Electronic Media).

As I explained in my last post, I am still attending Delta right now, and am getting my degree in Electronic Media Broadcasting (and actually planning on transferring to either CMU or Ferris). Once I arrive at a University (if I choose to do so), I will then strive to earn a bachelor's in either Broadcasting or Electronic Media Broadcasting. Through this curriculum and the courses inside it (at Delta College), I have and was able to gain even more knowledge and experience in the electronic/television film field/industry. I love hands on work, and these experiences gave me that! These courses at Delta have broadened my horizon about TV and film-making and have helped me focus in on what I really want to do as a future career.

I am definitely still looking in to whether I will actually attend this Full Sail University in Florida (it is VERY pricey, therefore, not only do they want your commitment and motivation to work for your degree, you have to HAVE that commitment and motivation in order to EARN your degree (whether it be an Associates, Bachelor's or Master's!)).

There is also a possibility of returning back to Orlando, Florida to continue an internship with Disney! This would most likely be after I receive my degree from Delta!! I will get in to more detail about my experiences with Disney in the next post.

So, many options, many paths to (possibly) take, many opportunities to pursue!

I am optimistic.
The future excites me (considering I also have a beautiful and lovely girlfriend)! :D
I am following my dreams, and hopefully, reaching and achieving my goals!!

Word! :)

Take care and have a good one.

Buh-bye for now!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Final Cut Studio


Now, on to video editing!!

Film is a great entity. One of my favorite types of media (television, movies, YouTube, Blu-Ray Disc, making/producing my own films/videos - subjects surrounding film). I simply, love it!!!

In a book entitled, "Understanding the Film - An Introduction to Film Appreciation", I found an interesting description of 'film'. The author(s) state that film is more than just moving pictures on the screen of your local cinema. It is, communication.

As discussed in my last post, I talked a little about film and video editing. In that topic, I did happen to mention the movie/video editing program (found 'proudly' on a Mac/Apple computer), entitled, "Final Cut Studio" (additional general info. here)!!

This program is what I will be discussing throughout this blog post!
Let me tell you, I am definitely glad I discovered this wonderfully crafty and user friendly video editing software (I am also glad that I get to talk about it with you guys, through this blog!)!

(the latest version of Final Cut)

Let me start from the beginning...

When I was about eleven years old, my mother bought the family our first "hand-held - Sony - CamCorder". At first, I was a little apprehensive about what exactly this electronic device did. Keep in mind though, that I had always been fascinated with electronic things (this includes, Electronic Music!)

I picked that device up, and went at it! Just played with all its features and buttons and did not stop recording just random things. This process of recording random things (with my friends included), for the purpose of humor, continued to about the 11th grade. My friends and I, in our spare time (which now seems like a lot of time, lol) would just record ourselves doing random things or recording other 'random'ness' outside our houses... A lot of fun random humor!!

It was that same year at Dow High School in Midland that I picked up the class, Video Communications. This sounded interesting and it really was. I got to experience and even direct live television on Midland's local channel network, "MCTV Station". Plus make my own independent pieces of film work such as:
  1. A music video (which by the way, it is one of my "dream's" to become a producer/director of music videos)!
  2. News feature
  3. How-to Demonstration video
  4. A commercial
  5. Even a re-creation of an episode of some sitcom or show (my team made a re-creation of a skit from, "Saved By the Bell" - guess who I was... That's right, Screech!)!
Anyway, enough about that side note! After this class, I experienced many Electronic Media Broadcasting classes through Delta College. I am still attending Delta right now, and am getting my degree in Electronic Media Broadcasting (and actually planning on transferring to either CMU or Ferris). Through this curriculum and the courses inside it, I have and was able to gain even more knowledge and experience in the electronic/television film field/industry. I love hands on work, and these experiences gave me that! These courses at Delta have broadened my horizon about TV and film-making and helped me focus in on what I really want to do as a future career.

Alas, this is how I got interested in the field of film. Thus, gracefully leading me to the 'powerhouse' video-production software.

I will follow up with more information about this wonderful piece of software in a later post. To generally speak about the aspects/elements/features of this program. Simple and other effects found are things, such as:
  • General cutting, fading of volume and the fade effect of video
  • Overlaying
  • Adding more than four different clips of video on top of each other
  • Special effects that deliver many options for the user. Like - fades, titling, mapping, color distortion or altering
  • Adding mp3 and other music file types in to the mix - to compile a music video that is simply, perfection
  • Etc.
These, including much much more - are what make this program, choice!!

I highly recommend that you purchase (I do not condone downloading) this program or software. If you are serious about film-making or just enjoy making home movies - you will be able to produce top-of-the-line pieces of work that will look, basically professional. Keep in mind though, that practice makes perfect and gaining experience with the program will allow the user to produce his/her best work!

For sure! Keep in mind, producers and film-makers of the, "Lord of the Rings" movies edited their movies/films with Final Cut Studio!! These people aren't the only ones who have used this software, in Hollywood (professionally) to edit and produce films!!!

Cool stuff!

Till' next time, Peace!!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fruity Loops Studio 7

Hello - dear fellow viewer,

I am here with an interesting subject concerning music editing. Further in this topic comes music production and putting music in to movies or films.

This subject is surrounding the continuously growing music production program entitled: "Fruity Loops Studio 7".

I have used and witnessed this program being in use by one of my closest friends. Ever since the age of 17 and since Fruity Loops Studio 4, my friend Sean has dabbled inside this wonderfully interesting and complex music-making program!
Though, I shouldn't say "dabbled", I should really say, "produced"!

He has produced and composed many songs, containing various sub-genres of Electronic Music, with different kinds of sounds, textures and elements in the mix.

His songs have gotten his artist name signed to large labels and have made their way to world-renowned albums (all from using the program, FL Studio 5, 6 and 7)!

Altogether, I'd say he has produced between 75 to 100 different songs. Sub-genres (of Electronic Music) such as:
  • Ambient/Down-tempo
  • Hardcore/UK Hardcore to Happy Hardcore
  • Hip-hop/Rap
  • House
  • Progressive Electro Tech-House
This program allows him and other users to alter beats, instruments, synths and other various noises and sounds. The feature that I love the most about this program has to be the fact that you can import VST (which stands for Virtual Studio Technology). VST (according to is an interface for integrating software audio synthesizer and effect plugins with audio editors and hard-disk recording systems. VST and similar technologies use Digital Signal Processing to simulate traditional recording studio hardware with software. Thousands of plugins exist and VST is supported by a large number of audio applications. The technology can be licensed from its creator, Steinberg.

The thing I love about this feature is the synths that you can purchase (or download) and freely import in to the program to use at your free will. You can use the features, buttons and knobs within FL to alter and mess with the sounds of the synths to your liking! Another feature I'm sure all avid "Fruity" users would agree on (loving to use), is EQ'ing! This is used usually when you have completed a song and now you want to master the sound. Mastering means to make it sound... All pretty, basically! The EQ feature allows you to tweak the bass, middle and treble, as well as the various highs and lows of the songs (whether it be the pitches of the sounds, or the notes played out in the song).

(btw, a little disclaimer, don't bash me or come down on my lack of knowledge! This is because I am really not an avid Fruity user! I really do lack knowledge about most of the aspects and elements of the program!)

Yes, I have heard many users call this program now, "Fruity" 6 or the latest version, 7!
So yes, that was a little tid-bit about my great friend and producer Sean!

I thought with my overall topic of music editing & film. This definitely falls in to the music editing film. Although, it's very cool with Fruity, you can actually (after mastering the track or song), convert the final file type in to a mp3 file. Just export that bugger in to a mp3 format and there ya go! Now that you have an mp3 of your song, this is a perfect opportunity to apply your own music to a film or movie that you may be making or producing!

I am an avid Mac user (bring on the love, you haters!! lol.), and I enjoy editing my own short films and fun lil' movies. With my Mac, I use the program entitled, "Final Cut Pro". This is a very strategic (and full of awesome features and effects), but actually very easy program to get used to. With the possible music I can make with Fruity, I can easily "import" these mp3 file songs in to Final Cut Pro and use them for whatever reason I would like (if it be for background noise or for a music video)!!

Interesting stuff! As Borat would say, "I like!!!"

Here's a lil' pic to give you a bit of an idea of what FL Studio 7 looks like (mostly the box, haha!! You get an idea, word!)!

Anyway, I think that is all for now!

Take er' easy and keep it real(z)!!

Until next time, Peace!!!

DEMF (Detroit Electronic Music Festival)!

I am back, and boy does it fell good!

Just recently (during Memorial Day Weekend), a festival named DEMF occured.

Yes, I was there, so were my close and other amazingly sweet friends. :)

This event is a three-day festival held (every year since, I believe 1999) in the, "Hart Plaza" in Downtown Detroit (said in a French accent *Detwaa*). Haha, I make myself giggle sometimes.
The Hart Plaza happens to be right next to the "Renaissance Center - GM Tower".
Kinda cool, it's actually a Marriott Hotel as well (this is where I've stayed for the festival every year that I've gone). Although this year I stayed across the street at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel.

Anyway! The Detroit Electronic Music Festival features artists, Dj's, producers and even photographers from around the world. All there to play and experience one genre of music... Electronic Music.

Not only were artists there, but businesses from around Michigan and the surrounding states were there selling merchandise and other products.

This is a festival for all to come and enjoy, dance, listen, learn and play with the best (in my opinion) style/kind/genre of music, ever! You stay at a nearby hotel and come to enjoy, between the hours of 12 noon to 12 midnight (and this schedule goes straight, for the three-day festival).

It's quite the experience, one that can't be forgotten (unless some dumb people choose to use those stupid things called drugs)!
Don't mean to keep describing it, but this festival was and is amazing. All the shops, all of the merchandise, great food and drinks, tents and stages full of famous, world-renowned Disc Jockeys. Not to mention the high grade, top of the line lighting and sound equipment!! Food, drinks, people (sweet, unique and fun at that), clothing (apparel) and other novelties, and MUSIC, EVERYWHERE!!!

*Snickers*, just talking about it gets me all excited!!!

The reason though, why I decided to choose this event and topic for the main topic of my blog is because of MUSIC. Music is one of the main points of my topic for this blog. Let me tell you, MUSIC is the reason DEMF is still going strong and prospering. It is also continues to awe, inspire and help people grow both musically and psychologically (psycho. because it helps one to feel comfortable, free and ready to dance and enjoy one of the most forward-thinking and forward-moving genres of music in today's music world!)!
It helps people of all races, creeds, religions witness one type of music and unite together as one!
It helps people feel free to let go and let love!
(Also to let go, and let DEMF!!!)
It allows people to respect others and enjoy the experience at hand.

This festival is a pandemonium of music. Chock full of FIVE stages, featuring artists playing different sub-genres of Electronic music, such as:
  • Techno
  • Detroit techno
  • Breakbeat
  • Drum and Bass
  • Rap
  • Hip-Hop
  • House
  • Electro House
  • Progressive/Tech-House
  • Etc.
I know, DEMF did such a great job with sales this year (they started to charge for admission to the festival about three years ago). I believe this year came to be the best turnout year as far as the amount of people. Since there is a charge to get in, I know Paxahau raised probably the most money that they've ever gained for any other event.
Since there were incredibly famous and talented artists (with great staging, sound and lights (from the great turnout and revenue made the previous year)), this means (because of the great turnout of people this year (bringing even more revenue in this year)), there this year, next year's DEMF will be even:
  1. Larger
  2. Better (sound, lights, staging, stores and ARTISTS!!!)
  3. Brighter
  4. Even more unbelievable
  5. Even more unforgettable
  6. Just that much more amazing in general
Electronic music is incredible (as you can obviously see, in my opinion), it's uplifting, thriving, endorphin-creating, and just really awesome. It brings people together and brings love and music together!

Here's a 'gif' file (of an ad) for the festival
the front of the main flyer for DEMF!!!:


I believe that's it for this posting!!

Thanks for reading!

I'll be back (as Arnold would say!)!

Peace to you.
